From the Weserbergland
into the world

Developing environmental awareness together

The commitment to greater sustainability and environmental protection is deeply rooted in WINI's tradition. It can be seen everywhere in the company: In the careful use of resources, in the use of recyclable materials, in the development of innovative products based on recyclable materials or in the sustainable development of the company as part of an economically and socially healthy region.

WINI environmental activities at a click

WINI BÜROMÖBEL Werk in Marienau, PWINI BÜROMÖBEL Umweltengagement Wimmelbildroduktionshalle vor Kornfeld

health management


CO2 reduction
from 2019 to 2021


of our solid waste is
separated, collected and disposed of

Our vehicle fleet complies with
the Euro 6 standard

We guarantee the longevity of our furniture for 10 years for the subsequent delivery of spare parts

Packing and tour optimisation

Rainwater collection system
for plant care

company suggestion system

Max. 0.1 watt power
consumption for our motorised
sit-stand tables

Ergonomic workstations
for all employees


of the materials used in our products are recyclable on average

Loyal specialised trade

Constant striving for


recycled packaging material.
The primary packaging material we use is
recycled cardboard together with adhesive tape made from paper. This
enables clean processing

Extra insulated roof surfaces
to reduce the heat input and output

High employee loyalty rate

50 KV charging point for
electric cars


We maintain a fair and
cooperative partnership with our suppliers

Company policy

Support for local associations
and institutions

Cooperation with a fitness

Reduction of fossil fuels


of our heating energy is generated
with wood chips

The modular systems are
assembled according to customer requirements
and manufactured to order:
Batch size 1 production


Recycled steel in use

Compliance with
legal requirements and requirements from voluntary audits
through our integrated quality and environmental management

Bicycle leasing for

Avoidance of environmentally
harmful substances

Family-run in
4th generation since 1908

Release of employees for
disaster control and
fire brigade operations and for
disaster control training

Sustainable product strategy

Training, further education,
in-house teaching


Reducing paper consumption
in the administration through
advancing digitalisation

Environmental Officer

Lunch and drinks for

PFSC + FSC-certified wood
from qualified suppliers

Fully automatic
plate storage

waste optimisation

Our chipboard supplier
utilises our wood waste
in the new production of
chipboard and promotes
sustainable forestry

Here you can download the complete WINI environmental map as a PDF:

WINI environmental map

Conserve resources

of the materials in
our products are

batch size 1 production
conserves resources

of our waste is collected separately

and disposed of

We generate 95 % of our heating energy

All figures and detailed information can be found in our current sustainability report.

WINI Sustainability Report

Future-proof and sustainable solutions are required

The demands of the markets and society for resource-conserving office furniture with a high proportion of recycled and recyclable components are constantly increasing. The best possible recycling or return of existing furniture to the material cycle (cradle to cradle principle) provides important sales and competitive arguments. In order to survive in this new world of work, future-proof, sustainable and individual solutions are required.

Education is an important contribution to equal opportunities

The personal and professional development as well as the training and further education of our employees are of particular importance to us. Our goal is to achieve a high degree of solution orientation, personal responsibility, willingness to cooperate and learn in combination with the ability to work in a team and take criticism. With this in mind, WINI cooperates with schools and universities in the region. With the Weserbergland University of Applied Sciences and the Hamelin Commercial College, we regularly provide training beyond our own requirements. In this way, WINI can also offer places for an annual internship or practical topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses.

Certified action

At WINI, sustainable action begins with product development. We pay attention to environmentally friendly materials and the most ecological production possible, which we communicate transparently every year in our sustainability declaration. Our environmental management system is based on the requirements of DIN EN ISO 14001 and the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS III). In 2002, we were also one of the first companies in the office furniture industry to be awarded the "Blue Angel RAL UZ38 - because low emissions" environmental label. We maintain a continuous improvement process. We are currently producing dismantling instructions for all products. With our 10-year subsequent delivery guarantee, we further increase the longevity of our products. We also create life cycle analyses (LCA) and consider the environmental impact of our furniture throughout its entire life cycle. In this way, we take the entire value chain into account.

News and inspiration

Die SARA Platte ist eine neuartige Spanplatte, bei deren Produktion ausschließlich Altholz verwendet wird. Kein Baum muss mehr für SARA gefällt werden, kein Lebensraum für Flora und Fauna wird zerstört, bestehende Ressourcen werden effizienter genutzt.

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

Learn more
Das berührungsgesteuerte kapazitive Bedienelement WINI MOTION



Desk operation with no switches

Learn more

Ergonomics at the workplace

Ergonomics at the workplace

Ergonomic workstations improve health and well-being

Learn more
WINEA FLEX UP Tischaufsteller zum Einstecken in geteilte Tischplatte mit Konturschnitt



Individual shielding for the office

Learn more
Rapport aus Flaschenkorken

WINI is LEVEL 3 certified

WINI is LEVEL 3 certified

Sustainable with a seal of quality

Learn more
Die SARA Platte von WINI – Altholz wird wiederverwendet, Umweltbelastungen 
reduziert und andere Materialien, die dem Holz anhaften, 
getrennt und ebenfalls recycelt

SARA chipboard

SARA chipboard

Chipboard made from 100% recycled waste wood

Learn more
Die SARA-Platte von WINI ist nominiert für den Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2025

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

Learn more
Agiles Arbeiten braucht agile Möbel

Agile working needs new spaces

Agile working needs new spaces

Agile working requires a change in thinking when it comes to office design

Learn more

We are happy to answer your questions. How can we support you?

WINI Marketing Abteilung

We are happy to answer your questions. How can we support you?

Bastian Bruns
Head of Marketing & Communication


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WINI Empfang
We are happy to answer your questions. How can we support you?
WINI Verkaufsleitung
Lassen Sie uns heute über Ihre Arbeitswelt von morgen sprechen.

Jannina Richter
Sales team


WINI Key Account Management
We will find the right specialist dealer for you in your area.

Dirk Dienst
Sales team


WINI Planungsabteilung
We plan your office. Let's talk about your goals.

Hanna-Maria Grewe
Planning + interior design

WINI Verkaufsleitung
We will be happy to organise an appointment for you in one of our showrooms near you.
WINI Service
Welcome to WINI Service. How can we support you?

Heike Bergheimer
Service team

WINI Objektabteilung
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about customising your WINI office furniture.

Robin Hau
Property team


WINI Key Account Management
Let's talk about your project. We will be happy to advise you.

Jürgen Jordan
Head of Consulting and Architect Consultancy


WINI Marketing
We are happy to answer your questions. How can we support you?

Vanessa Veith
Marketing + Communication

WINI Personalmanagement
Let's talk about your career and future at WINI.
Let's stay in touch!