An office
becomes my office.

Discover office furniture

WINEA TEAMS – the office is teamwork

With WINEA TEAMS, you can design flexible communication spaces for modern working environments. Whether for conference rooms, co-working spaces or home offices - the modular system adapts to every need. It creates space for exchange and encounters and thus supports the New Work philosophy. With stylish modules and functional accessories, you can offer your employees attractive and sustainable workspaces.

WINEA TEAMS Beach mit geteilter SARA Platte, WINEA FLEX UP Tischpaneel und Korkeinsätzen zur Elektrifizierung.
TOP DEKOR, Halifax Eiche (H4) Relief Oberfläche

Space for collaboration!

The office is and remains the central home base for personal exchanges and meetings with colleagues. With the WINEA TEAMS modular furniture system from WINI, versatile communication spaces can be created.

Find out more about WINEA TEAMS

WINEA TEAMS Beach mit geteilter SARA Platte, WINEA FLEX UP Tischpaneel und Korkeinsätzen zur Elektrifizierung.
First table top made from 100% recycled waste wood from WINI

With the new SARA board, WINI offers environmentally conscious customers an opportunity to conserve resources and optimize their eco-balance. The SARA board is produced Without the use of newly felled wood and thus anticipates the EU's requirement for deforestation-free supply chains from 2027. With the SARA board used in the durable WINI furniture, theCO2 binding in the waste wood is extended by years to decades.

SARA – 250.000 Bäume jährlich müssen weniger gefällt werden.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

With the SARA board(Chipboard Made from Recycled Waste Wood), WINI has for the first time added a chipboard made from 100% recycled waste wood to its range of desks and case furniture. With this innovation, WINI is taking a further step towards sustainable office furniture production.

Get to know SARA

Visual and acoustic screening with WINEA FLEX UP

Whether in coworking spaces, open spaces or communication zones - working in open office spaces is often associated with acoustic or visual disturbances (unwanted external stimuli). WINEA FLEX UP enables you to screen off workstations or areas Single.

WINEA FLEX UP polyester nonwoven consists of up to 30% recycled PET and is 100% recyclable, odorless and, unlike some other fiber materials, harmless to health - polyester high-tech made in Germany.

WINEA FLEX UP Arbeitsplatz-Einhausung zur visuellen und akustischen Abschirmung
DEKOR, Dunkelanthrazit (DA)

With charming screens!

Hanging from the ceiling, standing on the floor, as a cupboard back panel, on the Wall, behind or on a desk - with the customizable WINEA FLEX UP polyester panels, you can screen out unwanted outside influences and add structure to your office. The polyester fleece is 100% recyclable.

Find out more about WINEA FLEX UP

WINEA FLEX UP Arbeitsplatz-Einhausung zur visuellen und akustischen Abschirmung

Discover office furniture

Hochwertiges Design, klare Formensprache und technische Innovation – die Schreibtische von WINI Büromöbel



High-quality design, clear design language and technical innovation

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WINEA MAXX Querrolladenschränke mit Pflanzaufsatz

Storage space

Storage space

Plenty of space with Pedestral, Cabinet, Bookcase & Co.

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Mobile Möbel – Büromöbel auf Rollen

Mobile furniture

Mobile furniture

On castors: mobile furniture for flexible use

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Gute Raumakustik lässt sich einrichten mit WINI Büromöbel

Room acoustics

Room acoustics

Improve acoustics and sound insulation in the office

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Raumteiler zum Zonieren, Strukturieren und Abschirmen

Room divider

Room divider

Visual and acoustic shielding

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Empfangstresen – häufig der erste Eindruck Ihrer Besucher

Reception desk

Reception desk

First impression of your visitors

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Nützlicher Stauraum und smarte Ergänzungen – WINEA TOOLZ MYBOX und MYKIT



Useful helpers and Smart additions

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WINEA FLOW - award-winning Motor-operated desk with innovative operation
WINEA FLOW A-Fuß Einzelarbeitsplatz

Characteristic design feature:
The A-foot with attached
solid wood studs.

more about WINEA FLOW
Excellent design

WINEA FLOW is winner of the
2019 award

more about WINEA FLOW
Beautiful here!

Find out more about
this office and the

to the reference
The new world of work needs
sustainable and individual solutions.

We have the answers.

As a leading brand in the German office furniture industry, we offer you innovative, functional and aesthetically pleasing products of outstanding quality - also as customized special solutions.

With tailor-made concepts and services, we accompany you safely through the entire process into your new office - from the initial analysis and planning to downstream services.

Customizing, WPHA Hannover
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Customizing from WINI

We build customized office furniture. In series. Talk to us about WINI customizing.

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Customizing, Qualität und Design
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Design & quality made in Germany

We live quality you can touch. High-quality, well thought-out, safe and flexible.

Discover WINI quality
Customizing, WINI Nachhaltigkeit
Icon, Leaf
Sustainably produced

We think & act sustainably. Since 1908.

More about WINI sustainability
Die WINI Planungsexpert*innen freuen sich auf Ihren Kontakt.
Die WINI Planungsexpert*innen freuen sich auf Ihren Kontakt.
Farben, Oberflächen, Materialien – konfigurieren Sie sich Ihr individuelle Büro.

Plan the future with us

Good planning is half the battle

Talk to our planning experts about the benefits of contemporary office design.

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News and inspiration

Die SARA Platte ist eine neuartige Spanplatte, bei deren Produktion ausschließlich Altholz verwendet wird. Kein Baum muss mehr für SARA gefällt werden, kein Lebensraum für Flora und Fauna wird zerstört, bestehende Ressourcen werden effizienter genutzt.

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

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Ergonomics at the workplace

Ergonomics at the workplace

Ergonomic workstations improve health and well-being

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Die SARA-Platte von WINI ist nominiert für den Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2025

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

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Die SARA Platte von WINI – Altholz wird wiederverwendet, Umweltbelastungen 
reduziert und andere Materialien, die dem Holz anhaften, 
getrennt und ebenfalls recycelt

SARA chipboard

SARA chipboard

Chipboard made from 100% recycled waste wood

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Rapport aus Flaschenkorken

WINI is LEVEL 3 certified

WINI is LEVEL 3 certified

Sustainable with a seal of quality

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Das berührungsgesteuerte kapazitive Bedienelement WINI MOTION



Desk operation with no switches

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Besprechung an Stehtisch

Study on the use of sit-stand tables

Study on the use of sit-stand tables

Improving the operation of height-adjustable desks

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WINEA FLEX UP Tischaufsteller zum Einstecken in geteilte Tischplatte mit Konturschnitt



Individual shielding for the office

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Agiles Arbeiten braucht agile Möbel

Agile working needs new spaces

Agile working needs new spaces

Agile working requires a change in thinking when it comes to office design

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Collaborative working with WINEA ELEMENTS

WINEA ELEMENTS combines these two elementary aspects of contemporary working in a multifunctional furniture system. Whether as a waiting area at reception, as a meeting point in an open space, as a working arena or as a grandstand for lectures - the WINEA ELEMENTS modular system gives you maximum freedom in designing your communication zones.

Kommunikation, WINEA ELEMENTS
Décor, Mainau Birch

Back to the future!

Communication is at the heart of the modern working world - creativity is its driving force. Create individual communication zones with WINEA ELEMENTS.


Kommunikation, WINEA ELEMENTS

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WINI Key Account Management

We are happy to answer your questions. How can we support you?

Jürgen Jordan
Head of Consulting and Architectural Consultancy


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Jannina Richter
Sales team


WINI Key Account Management
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Dirk Dienst
Sales team


WINI Planungsabteilung
We plan your office. Let's talk about your goals.

Hanna-Maria Grewe
Planning + interior design

WINI Verkaufsleitung
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WINI Service
Welcome to WINI Service. How can we support you?

Heike Bergheimer
Service team

WINI Objektabteilung
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about customising your WINI office furniture.

Robin Hau
Property team


WINI Key Account Management
Let's talk about your project. We will be happy to advise you.

Jürgen Jordan
Head of Consulting and Architect Consultancy


WINI Marketing
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Vanessa Veith
Marketing + Communication

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