WINI Referenz zedita, Hameln – Workshopbüro
Working together!

Furniture for collaboration, teamwork and communication

Collaborative working is a decisive criterion for success in today's working world and should be part of any contemporary working culture. By working together on projects and incorporating different perspectives/characters/skills, companies can fully exploit their creative potential and become more efficient. Collaboration promotes a positive working environment that motivates employees to work towards common goals.

The furniture in the office is the basis of this communicative culture and should catalyze the open exchange of ideas, collaboration between colleagues and teams and the development of innovative solutions.

From person to person

In our networked world, where knowledge, innovation and technology are crucial, people are still a company's most valuable resource. Communication and cooperation between employees - project groups, teams or departments - is the basis for efficient collaboration.

Suitable workspaces and communication zones must be created in office spaces for collaboration. Flexible, easily movable furniture, partitioning walls for visual and/or acoustic screening and comfortable seating for informal collaboration can be used to design these areas.

Collaboration promotes!

Collaboration can overcome the limits of one's own expertise, especially in dynamic markets.
New and complex challenges can be solved faster and better through collaborative cooperation.

Problem solving

Solve new and complex


Develop new ideas and


Initiate new ways of thinking

Together you are less alone
Mit WINI Möbeln Kollaboration schaffen

Duo desk

More about WINEA STARTUP 2.0

Tubular shelving as a room divider

More about WINEA MAXX Shelves

Mobile sit-stand folding table
as a whiteboard


Electrically height-adjustable
with battery


Acoustic panel for
workplace shielding

More about WINEA SONIC
We can do office!
Customizing, WPHA Hannover
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Customizing from WINI

We build customized office furniture. In series. Talk to us about WINI customizing.

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Customizing, Qualität und Design
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Design & quality made in Germany

We live quality you can touch. High-quality, well thought-out, safe and flexible.

Discover WINI quality
Customizing, WINI Nachhaltigkeit
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Sustainably produced

We think & act sustainably. Since 1908.

More about WINI sustainability
News and inspiration
Raumakustik im Büro

Room acoustics

Room acoustics

How does sound work?

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German Design Award 2025

German Design Award 2025

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Lehrfabrik Möbelindustrie in Löhne

Lehrfabrik Möbelindustrie in Löhne

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Workshoplounge im WINI Showroom Düsseldorf

WINI Showroom Duesseldorf

WINI Showroom Duesseldorf

Visit us in the Rhine metropolis

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WINI Seminare

WINI seminars

WINI seminars

Seminars, workshops + webinars

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WINI Logo Kork

WINI Logo Kork

WINI Büromöbel hat sein Logo-Label von Kunststoff auf den nachhaltigen Werkstoff Kork umgestellt. Kork ist biologisch abbaubar, recycelbar und fördert die Kreislaufwirtschaft. Die Umstellung unterstreicht WINIs Ziel, ressourcenschonende Materialien einzusetzen und den Plastikverbrauch zu reduzieren. Ein weiterer Schritt für eine nachhaltigere Möbelproduktion.

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Azubis bei WINI

WINI trainees

WINI trainees

New reinforcement for the team

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New Work

New Work

New Work

The dimensions of New Work

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What is the difference between teamwork and collaborative working?

In teamwork, a group of people cooperate on a joint project and strive to achieve a collective goal. However, this does not usually happen in direct cooperation. Each employee takes care of a specific aspect and the results are brought together at the end.

Collaborative working refers to a more intensive form of cooperation: all employees involved work together on the project at the same time. This places high demands on the spatial conditions, furnishings and technical equipment.

  • Real-time collaboration: teams can work on projects simultaneously. This is efficient.
  • Communication: Direct exchange and feedback promote clear and Transparent communication.
  • Problem solving: Diverse perspectives lead to more solutions.
  • Resource savings: Simultaneous collaboration avoids redundancies and saves time.
  • Team loyalty: Joint projects strengthen team spirit and promote team loyalty.

Key factors for successful collaboration are open communication, clear common goals, mutual trust & respect, suitable spaces, furniture, tools & technologies, effective time management, defined castors & responsibilities and management support.

Collaborative working requires office space and furniture that is very flexible, adaptable and also inviting. The interior design should encourage creativity and interaction and create a positive, inspiring atmosphere where team members can easily communicate and collaborate. It is important that the furniture is suitable for both formal meetings and informal gatherings. Flexibly configurable multifunctional furniture such as WINEA ELEMENTS, mobile modules and desks from WINEA TEAMS or the foldable and rollable TWISTER tables are particularly suitable for designing spaces for collaborative work. Modern technology integration facilitates the use of digital tools for hybrid collaboration.

Wir beantworten gerne Ihre Fragen. Wie kann ich Sie unterstützen?

WINI Key Account Management

Wir beantworten gerne Ihre Fragen. Wie kann ich Sie unterstützen?

Jürgen Jordan
Leiter Consulting und Architektenberatung

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Dirk Dienst
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WINI Planungsabteilung
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Hanna-Maria Grewe
Planning + interior design

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WINI Service
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Heike Bergheimer
Service team

WINI Objektabteilung
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about customising your WINI office furniture.

Robin Hau
Property team


WINI Key Account Management
Let's talk about your project. We will be happy to advise you.

Jürgen Jordan
Head of Consulting and Architect Consultancy


WINI Marketing
We are happy to answer your questions. How can we support you?

Vanessa Veith
Marketing + Communication

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