I like being here!

Unleash creativity, retreat, relax

Lingering in the office refers to the time that employees spend outside of their actual work tasks in the often turbulent office. This can include various activities that do not necessarily have anything to do with their immediate work. In addition to Short breaks and reflection, recreation includes informal conversations with colleagues, reading the news, recharging one's batteries or relaxing. Lingering plays an important role in everyday office life, as it gives employees the opportunity to relax, strengthen social ties and gain new ideas or perspectives.

Creating areas with a calm, pleasant and soothing atmosphere promotes employee productivity and increases the attractiveness of the office as a place to work.

Short breaks, more power

Short breaks in the office are not only a way to relax, but also make a significant contribution to work performance. They allow employees to regenerate, reduce stress and recharge their batteries.

BRAC principle for breaks
after Nathaniel Kleitmann

If you want to work better, more productively and more relaxed, you should divide your working day into 90-minute blocks.
This principle was established by the founder of sleep research, Nathaniel Kleitmann.
BRAC stands for "Basic Rest - Activity Cycle".

Even those who are well-rested
need a break every 90 to
100 minutes

Four-hour cycle -
In addition, everyone
needs Long
rest breaks every four hours to recover

Fresh ideas and more energy in the office
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German Design Award 2025

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WINI Showroom Duesseldorf

WINI Showroom Duesseldorf

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Improving an office by creating retreats, quiet zones and recreation areas is a measure that can significantly increase employee well-being and productivity. Quiet zones are places to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday working life and offer an atmosphere that invites relaxation and regeneration.

Breaks and rest help to create a balance between work and relaxation. This has a direct positive impact on the quality of work, increases employee satisfaction and supports a healthy and productive working environment in the long term.

Creativity in the office is the basis for innovation. Creativity strengthens problem-solving skills. It is not limited to certain positions or departments, but can be encouraged in every area and at every level of a company. Promoting creativity in the office starts with an open and supportive corporate culture - which includes a break culture. Breaks offer employees the opportunity to step away from their tasks and reorganize their thoughts. This restores energy and can boost creativity, as the mind can develop new perspectives during the break. The ability to innovate and find creative solutions to problems is strengthened by regular breaks.

The design of break areas and retreats therefore has an impact on creativity. Attractively designed and comfortable quiet areas offer a relaxing balance to the often lively daily business, especially in open-plan offices.

Breaks during office stress are more than just moments of interruption in the working day. Rather, they are an essential part of a healthy and productive way of working. These Short breaks allow employees to regenerate, clear their heads and maintain their performance.

During a break, employees can get up, move around, get some fresh air and take a single breath. This not only contributes to physical health, but also helps to reduce mental fatigue. New ideas can emerge in these moments and problems can be tackled with a fresh outlook. In addition, breaks also encourage social interactions between colleagues. They create opportunities for informal conversations and the exchange of ideas, which can strengthen team spirit. Take a break!

Avoiding stress in the office requires a holistic approach and the application of various strategies. First of all, it is important to set clear priorities and formulate realistic work goals. Realistic time management can help to reduce the feeling of being overloaded. The ability to say "No" is crucial to avoid additional stress. This means being aware of how much work you can take on and not being afraid to turn down tasks or seek support when you are overloaded.

Taking breaks is another important aspect of managing stress in the office. Regular Short breaks help to loosen your mindset and reduce stress. Use these moments to take a deep breath, stretch or stand up for a short time. Go to the quiet zone or recreation area in your office!

Let's talk about your office of tomorrow.

WINI Planungsabteilung

Let's talk about your office of tomorrow.

Hanna-Maria Greve
Planning & interior design


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