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The future is more diverse

New office, new work, agile work, new normal, hybrid working - all terms that attempt to capture the future of the working world. One thing is clear: the future of the office will be more diverse.

Different working styles, new forms of work, generational diversity, technological innovation and the desire for individualization and sustainability are placing demands on our working environment. This requires change and adaptability in modern companies and, not least, sets standards for office design and the design of office furniture.

Every office as individual as you are
Welcher Büro-Typ sind Sie? Entdecken Sie das MEIN BÜRO PRINZIP von WINI BÜROMÖBEL-
What type of office are you?

Take the Short Check and find out what your ideal office could look like. Discover the MY OFFICE PRINCIPLE from WINI.

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WINI Online-Konfigurator mit WINEA STARTUP 2.0
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Configure your furniture

Dimension, design, surface, color - WINI system furniture offers plenty of scope for your individual design.

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Customizing, WPHA Hannover
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Customizing from WINI

We build customized office furniture. In series. Talk to us about WINI customizing.

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Customizing, Qualität und Design
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Design & quality made in Germany

We live quality you can touch. High-quality, well thought-out, safe and flexible.

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Customizing, WINI Nachhaltigkeit
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Sustainably produced

We think & act sustainably. Since 1908.

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Die WINI Planungsexpert*innen freuen sich auf Ihren Kontakt.
Die WINI Planungsexpert*innen freuen sich auf Ihren Kontakt.
Farben, Oberflächen, Materialien – konfigurieren Sie sich Ihr individuelle Büro.

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Good planning is half the battle

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Impulses around the working world of today and tomorrow

WINEA FLEX UP Tischaufsteller zum Einstecken in geteilte Tischplatte mit Konturschnitt



Individual shielding for the office

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Agiles Arbeiten braucht agile Möbel

Agile working needs new spaces

Agile working needs new spaces

Agile working requires a change in thinking when it comes to office design

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Rapport aus Flaschenkorken

WINI is LEVEL 3 certified

WINI is LEVEL 3 certified

Sustainable with a seal of quality

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Die SARA Platte ist eine neuartige Spanplatte, bei deren Produktion ausschließlich Altholz verwendet wird. Kein Baum muss mehr für SARA gefällt werden, kein Lebensraum für Flora und Fauna wird zerstört, bestehende Ressourcen werden effizienter genutzt.

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

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Die SARA-Platte von WINI ist nominiert für den Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2025

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

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Die SARA Platte von WINI – Altholz wird wiederverwendet, Umweltbelastungen 
reduziert und andere Materialien, die dem Holz anhaften, 
getrennt und ebenfalls recycelt

SARA chipboard

SARA chipboard

Chipboard made from 100% recycled waste wood

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Das berührungsgesteuerte kapazitive Bedienelement WINI MOTION



Desk operation with no switches

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Ergonomics at the workplace

Ergonomics at the workplace

Ergonomic workstations improve health and well-being

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How are new forms of work changing the office of the future?

Flexibility and mobility of workplaces will play a central role in future office design. Office spaces will be conceived and designed in such a way that different working styles and new forms of work can take place there.

The integration of technology will continue to advance in order to improve efficiency and networking in the new world of work. This may include the implementation of Smart Office solutions and the integration of IoT devices into office furniture and workstations. The development of a mobile working culture, the promotion of activity-based working (ABW) and the creation of areas for collaborative and agile working will help to adapt the working environment to the needs of the modern employee.

The drivers of "New Work" are diverse and include various factors that influence the way people work and companies organize themselves: technological innovation, changing work culture, globalization, demographic change, competitiveness, sustainability and social change.

The workplace design and offices of tomorrow must take these changes into account.

"New Work" is a term from the world of work that describes a new way of working and the organization of work. It includes a variety of concepts and approaches that aim to rethink traditional work structures and models.

The key characteristics of New Work include

  • Flexibility: New Work enables flexible working time models and locations and empowers employees to adapt their work to their individual needs
  • Self-determination: Employees should have more autonomy and personal responsibility in their work in order to increase motivation and creativity
  • Creating meaning: work should have a personal meaning and value for people - beyond purely financial aspects
  • Digitalization: The use of modern technologies and digital tools plays a crucial role in making New Work a success
  • Collaboration: Collaboration and networking are cultivated in order to strengthen cooperation and communication between employees
  • Learning culture: New Work requires lifelong learning and the continuous development of skills

The office of tomorrow will be influenced by many different factors and trends:

  • Hybrid working models: the combination of remote working and presence work in the office will continue to be important. Offices in particular will be designed more flexibly to support both forms of work.
  • Flexible workplace design: Offices will be more flexible and adaptable to accommodate different ways of working, with more open workspaces, meeting zones and retreats.
  • Technology integration: The integration of technology will continue to advance, including smart office furniture and advanced communication tools.
  • Ergonomics and health: Ergonomics in the workplace will become more important with ergonomic workstations and solutions to promote the physical and mental health of employees. Sustainability: Offices will be designed to be more sustainable, With environmentally friendly materials, energy-efficient operation and recycling and C2C initiatives.
  • Collaboration and networking: More space will be given to collaborative working to encourage people to meet, communicate and work together in the office.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Offices are designed to be more inclusive in order to meet the needs of a diverse workforce and promote equal opportunities.
  • Feel-good atmosphere: Office design will aim to create a positive and motivating atmosphere to increase employee satisfaction and productivity.

Let's talk about your office of tomorrow.

WINI Planungsabteilung

Let's talk about your office of tomorrow.

Hanna-Maria Greve
Planning & interior design


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Dirk Dienst
Sales team


WINI Planungsabteilung
We plan your office. Let's talk about your goals.

Hanna-Maria Grewe
Planning + interior design

WINI Verkaufsleitung
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WINI Service
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Heike Bergheimer
Service team

WINI Objektabteilung
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about customising your WINI office furniture.

Robin Hau
Property team


WINI Key Account Management
Let's talk about your project. We will be happy to advise you.

Jürgen Jordan
Head of Consulting and Architect Consultancy


WINI Marketing
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Vanessa Veith
Marketing + Communication

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